Time to focus in educating your workforce about online threats, vulnerabilities, and cybersecurity exploits. Give them the ability to identify attacks that could happen when working online and with computer systems.
Recognized worldwide as the leader in security education, Infosec offers role-guided training for your entire workforce. Now considered as a leader in cyber education in the Philippines, it has helped organizations like yours upskill and certify your security team and boost employee awareness for over 17 years.
A brainchild of IPSYSTEMS, IP CAP or IPSYSTEMS’ Cybersecurity Awareness Program is a program specifically created for the Filipino workforce who would like to improve their cyber vigilance against attacks – even the most sophisticated ones. It offers Basic and Advanced Courses that cover everything you need to know to be cyber smart.
Fill out the form below and one of our Infosec or IP CAP experts will get in touch with you shortly.
Established in 2007, IPSYSTEMS, Inc. is a trusted and valued cybersecurity and IT distributor in the Philippines. It has solutions specifically focused on IT Infrastructure Security, Secure Remote Access and Monitoring, and Email and Data Security.